112 years old, since 1910.
27 April 2024

SACU Transport Liaison Committees

Constitution and Mandate

Generic Aspects

  1. Provide technical advice to the Commission on transport and other related matters.
  2. Monitor the implementation of the SACU Agreement and its Annexes in so far as they relate to transport and other related matters, with a view to advise Commission.
  3. Support and facilitate the establishment and operation of SACU institutions provided for in the SACU Agreement.
  4. Facilitate the development and propose amendments to Annexes relating to transport and other related matters.
  5. Appoint task teams, where necessary, to facilitate the work of the TLC.
  6. Carry out all duties and perform all functions assigned to it by the Commission.
  7. Make proposals, from time to time, to Commission for any amendments to the Terms of Reference.

Specific Aspects

  1. Facilitate an integrated and seamless conveyance of goods and passengers with a view to reducing transportation costs and transit times.
  2. Facilitate easier access and promote simplification and harmonization of procedures for land-locked Member States to port facilities.
  3. Promote the application of equal treatment to the national transport providers of Member States with regard to the provision, access and use of infrastructure, customs and immigration clearance procedures.
  4. Promote effective utilization of all modes of transport to encourage complimentarity and efficiency in the region.
  5. Facilitate cooperation and mutual assistance among the respective authorities involved in the conveyance of goods and passengers within SACU.
  6. Facilitate the simplification and harmonization of all policies, laws, regulations, procedures and administrative measures pertaining to the conveyance of goods and passengers within SACU.
  7. Facilitate the development of a programme of cooperation in transport and other related matters.
  8. Promote the exchange of information pertaining to transport matters.